Sabahattin Sunguroğlu – Sungurlar Isı Sanayi A.Ş.
Mesut Eren – Isı Sanayi A.Ş.
Celal Erol – Alamsaş Alarko Ağır Makine San. A.Ş.
Metin Bilgiç – Universal Isı Cihazları San. Tic. A.Ş.
Basri Genel – Yıldız Kazan San. A.Ş.
Nurhan Tanyeli – Türk Demirdöküm Fab. A.Ş.
Can Büke – Desa Demir, Kazan ve Makine San. A.Ş.
Osman Metin – Emel Kazan ve Makine San. Ltd. Şti.
Turgut Ağar – ECT Enerji Cihazları ve Teknoloji
Cevdet Özaltay – ISSY Kazan San. Ltd. Şti.
Hadi Eren – Isılsan Isı Cihazları Ltd. Şti.
Ziya Ülkücü – Ar-Tek Isı San. Koll. Şti.
Saffet Kılkıl – As Kazan San.
Önder Ağvaz – Teknik Isı Tic. Ve San.
Nesim Aktaş – Aktaş Isı San. Koll. Şti.
İhsan Cemal Helvacılar – Hasköy Kazan Fabrikası
Orhan Kurtuluş – Isı Cihazları San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.
Sevgen Yağlı – Petniz Isı San. A.Ş.
Vedat Oskay – Kutup Kazan San. Koll. Şti.
Our association was established in 1985 and is one of the oldest and most established sectoral associations of our country. It continues its work to contribute to the country's industrialist and Country development as a broad and strong platform where the boiler and pressure vessel industry and its auxiliary equipment and raw material suppliers, which are components of this industry, come together.
Our association is a member and active stakeholder of important and influential institutions such as Turkish air conditioning Assembly, MAKFED (Federation of machine manufacturers), Türk Loydu Foundation, Vocational Qualifications Authority, BTSB BASTEK committee.
KBSB, as an effective and highly recognized non-governmental organization with its deep-rooted history, is an organization that has the power to express and defend all kinds of problems and needs of our members and the sector at the highest level.