
EROĞLU ISI A.Ş. ETİYOPYA’DA DEVLET İHALESI KAZANDI 2019 yılında ihalesi yapılan ve 2020 Kasım ayında nihai siparişe dönüşen 7000 kg/h 12bar ağır yakıtlı buhar kazanı ve tüm aksesuarları ihalesi EROĞLU ISI A.Ş. tarafından kazanılmıştır. Addis Ababa Mezbahane’si tarafında açılan ihalede

İKLİMLENDİRME SEKTÖRÜNÜN 2020 YILI TOPLAM İHRACATI 4.6 MİLYAR $ OLARAK AÇIKLANDI! Ocak-Aralık 2020 verilerine bakıldığında iklimlendirme sektörünün bu zorlu dönemi başarıyla geride bırakarak 2021 yılına girdiğini görüyoruz. Bu bağlamda, başarılı geçecek bir ISK-SODEX 2021 Fuarı’nın ayak sesleri de şimdiden duyuluyor.


Dear Members, Despite the hard conditions of the pandemic, we have been continuing our work in an intensive work schedule ever since we came to the administration. We signed a contract with the Turkish Installation Engineers Association (TTMD) and we are starting to organize joint training and symposiums. Also, having a meeting with GAZBİR, we worked with Chairman of the board Yaşar Aslan and board members in order to solve the problems faced by our members.

Unfortunately, dozens of boiler explosions occur every year in our country, causing an average of 10 people to die and millions of Usd in material damage. So why can't boiler accidents be prevented? There are three general reasons for boiler explosions...

Ekotek Kazan where located in Aydın continues its R&D studies rapidly. Focusing especially on biomass fuel boilers, the company exported to Ukraine a 6 t / h capacity hybrid boiler produced with the new combustion system.

Mugla Yatagan Thermal Power Plant which Turkey's fifth largest has chosen the leading brand of burner applications ‘’Ecostar’’ for their natural gas conversion project The plant, which serves for the purpose of utilizing low-calorie coal in the Muğla-Yatağan lignite basin, produces electricity with a total installed power of 630 MWe.

The new product of Erensan, the wall-mounted condensing hot water boiler Varial, which aroused interest in the sector with its technological developments, was designed to meet all kinds of heating and hot water preparation demands of the consumer with the experience and awareness gained over many years.

ALT TARAFI AYNI SOMUN MU? BERDAN CİVATA, kullanıcıların somun alımlarında yanılgıya düşmemeleri için bir bilgilendirme şeması yayımladı.

Jenesis has established the infrastructure that will meet all of the annual 100 m3 water used in the hydrostatic tests it applies to the pressure vessels it produces, with the roof rainwater collection and recirculation system it designed.
